Outsource your IT product research. Dive deep into competitor strategies, thoroughly analyze customer needs and streamline production processes across teams

What can we do

Imagine having an extra product team packed with
a manager, researcher, UX designer, analyst, and marketer

🔍 Competitive Analysis

We not only look at the current state of the competitor's product, but also study the history of changes in its positioning, target audience, and problems solved since the first launch. To make more accurate hypotheses about what to do, we determine not only where your competitor is now, but also where they are heading.

🧠 User Research

We find respondents ourselves, put forward a list of hypotheses, verify them in interviews, and organize a research knowledge base. We'll find out what your customers love about you, which interface option they find more convenient, what attracts them to your competitors, and how much they are willing to pay for it.

💵 Monetization

We will explore monetization models in your market, suggest a suitable price for the product based on quantitative research, and develop a model for forecasting the product's economics. Not sure how much your product should cost? We'll find the answer.

📊 Analytics

We will develop a pyramid of metrics, design an event structure to measure them, suggest how to express business queries in numbers, and how each feature in the product affects the financial result. Or why your product is loved by customers, and what should be improved.

🔧 Funnel Optimization

We'll break down the entire customer journey from the ad to the purchase, find weak spots in the funnel, and suggest ideas for improvement.

⚙️ Processes and Mentoring

Have questions to your analysts? The product team doesn't deliver on time or produces raw requirements? Responsibility gets lost between marketing, sales, and product? Have junior product managers who need strong mentoring? We can help.

How do we work

⏱️ We show results every week

Tables, charts, insights from user interviews, recommendations, hypotheses. Real help every sprint, not 100 pages of PDF after 2 months of work.

😎 We understand products

We follow trends, quickly dive into new areas. We have successfully launched products from scratch and significantly improved metrics of existing services.

🧐 We love data

We value your product vision, but we make transparent decisions based on data. We support our conclusions with research, benchmarks, surveys, and analytics.

🚀 We start the project in a couple of days

We respond quickly, always ready to take on a new task if it seems interesting to us. We know that most research results were needed yesterday.

My name is Alex

I am the founder of Hawker Research agency,
and also a product manager atsemrush, ex-head of product at ispring

My Experience

  • Launched SaaS products from scratch to $1M ARR in less than a year. The first launch hit the target metrics after a pivot, the second product had to be closed, and the third was successful on the first try.
  • Developed my own competitive analysis framework, allowing more accurate predictions of competitor moves.
  • Fixed product funnels, leading to an increase from 6 percentage points in conversion to a 10x increase in revenue.
  • Developed a product direction strategy for 3 years ahead. The products hit the target metrics, teams and stakeholders aligned in expectations.
  • Organized product processes. Implemented analytics systems, set up interactions between development, analytics, marketing, and sales departments.
  • Developed and implemented a grading system for product teams. Career growth for employees became transparent. Based on this system, mentored newcomers in product management.

I gathered a team of dedicated specialists with a passion for research and product management, and for the last 6 years we have been organizing user, competitive, and UX research and launching new IT products in the international market.

Tell us about your project

We'll contact you via email, clarify the project details, and schedule the first meeting.